研究者 | 片桐 崇史 |
大学 | 富山大学 工学部知能情報工学科 |
研究室名 | |
専門分野 | 計測工学、電子デバイス・電子機器 |
研究テーマ | |
検索キーワード |
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PR詳細文 (図) |
特許 |
出願番号:2016-167685 / 特開番号:2018-033567 / 登録番号: 内視鏡システム【課題】挿入部の外径を細く維持したまま、通常観察画像の画質を劣化させることなく、蛍光などの発光のイメ 【解決手段】光照射手段が、マルチモードファイバから成り、先端から励起光を観察対象1に照射する光ファイ |
論文 |
Time-domain terahertz gas spectroscopy using hollow-optical-fiber gas cell Katagiri Takashi, Suzuki Takahiro, Matsuura YujiOPTICAL ENGINEERING 57 ( 5 ) 2018年05月 Infrared Hollow Optical Fiber Probe for Localized Carbon Dioxide Measurement in Respiratory Tracts Katagiri Takashi, Shibayama Kyosuke, Iida Takeru, Matsuura YujiSENSORS 18 ( 4 ) 2018年04月 Sensitivity improvement of optical fiber acoustic probe for all-optical photoacoustic imaging system Seki Atsushi, Iwai Katsumasa, Katagiri Takashi, Matsuura YujiAPPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS 10 ( 7 ) 2017年07月 Analysis of transmission properties of terahertz hollow-core optical fiber by using time-domain spectroscopy and application for remote spectroscopy Ito Kosei, Katagiri Takashi, Matsuura YujiJOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS 34 ( 1 ) 60 - 65 2017年01月 Real-Time Analysis of Isoprene in Breath by Using Ultraviolet-Absorption Spectroscopy with a Hollow Optical Fiber Gas Cell Iwata Takuro, Katagiri Takashi, Matsuura YujiSENSORS 16 ( 12 ) 2016年12月 Multi-element hollow-core anti-resonant fiber for infrared thermal imaging Kobayashi Takuya, Katagiri Takashi, Matsuura YujiOPTICS EXPRESS 24 ( 23 ) 26565 - 26574 2016年11月 Forward-viewing photoacoustic imaging probe with bundled ultra-thin hollow optical fibers Seki A., Iwai K., Katagiri T., Matsuura Y.JOURNAL OF OPTICS 18 ( 7 ) 2016年07月 Hollow optical-fiber based infrared spectroscopy for measurement of blood glucose level by using multi-reflection prism Kino Saiko, Omori Suguru, Katagiri Takashi, Matsuura YujiBIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS 7 ( 2 ) 701 - 708 2016年02月 Infrared hollow optical fiber probes for reflectance spectral imaging Huang Chenhui, Kino Saiko, Katagiri Takashi, Matsuura YujiAPPLIED OPTICS 54 ( 14 ) 4602 - 4607 2015年05月 Microstructured Tube-Leaky Glass Waveguide for Delivery of High-Powered Er:Yag Laser Kobayashi Shun, Katagiri Takashi, Matsuura YujiJOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY 32 ( 5 ) 986 - 990 2014年03月 Fabrication of low-loss hollow waveguide with multiple dielectric layers for infrared cavity ring-down spectroscopy Ichikawa Ryo, Katagiri Takashi, Matsuura YujiOPTICAL ENGINEERING 52 ( 10 ) 2013年10月 Hollow-Optical-Fiber-Based Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy System and Its Use in Soil Salinity Measurements Seki Ryusuke, Katagiri Takashi, Matsuura YujiAPPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS 6 ( 10 ) 2013年10月 Design and optimization of hollow-optical-fiber gas cell for infrared spectroscopy Takahashi Yusuke, Kino Saiko, Katagiri Takashi, Matsuura YujiOPTICAL ENGINEERING 52 ( 1 ) 2013年01月 Fabrication method of small-diameter hollow waveguides for terahertz waves Sato Shunsuke, Katagiri Takashi, Matsuura YujiJOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS 29 ( 11 ) 3006 - 3009 2012年11月 Remote Fourier transform-infrared spectral imaging system with hollow-optical fiber bundle Huang Chenhui, Kino Saiko, Katagiri Takashi, Matsuura YujiAPPLIED OPTICS 51 ( 29 ) 6913 - 6916 2012年10月 Synchronous radiation with Er:YAG and Ho:YAG lasers for efficient ablation of hard tissues Watanabe Tomonori, Iwai Katsumasa, Katagiri Takashi, Matsuura YujiBIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS 1 ( 2 ) 337 - 346 2010年09月 Hollow-fiber-based flexible probe for remote measurement of infrared attenuated total reflection Matsuura Yuji, Kino Saiko, Katagiri TakashiAPPLIED OPTICS 48 ( 28 ) 5396 - 5400 2009年10月 Raman study of brain functions in live mice and rats: A pilot study Sato Hidetoshi, Yamamoto Yuko S., Maruyama Atsushi, Katagiri Takashi, Matsuura Yuji, Ozaki YukihiroVIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY 50 ( 1 ) 125 - 130 2009年05月 Surface-plasmon resonance sensor using silica-core Bragg fiber Ma Lin, Katagiri Takashi, Matsuura YujiOPTICS LETTERS 34 ( 7 ) 1069 - 1071 2009年04月 Improvement and analysis of a micro Raman probe Komachi Yuichi, Katagiri Takashi, Sato Hidetoshi, Tashiro HideoAPPLIED OPTICS 48 ( 9 ) 1683 - 1696 2009年03月 Reduction of phonon resonant terahertz wave absorption in photoconductive switches using epitaxial layer transfer Kasai S., Katagiri T., Takayanagi J., Kawase K., Ouchi T.APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 94 ( 11 ) 2009年03月 High Axial Resolution Raman Probe made of a Single Hollow Optical Fiber Katagiri Takashi, Yamamoto Yuko S., Ozaki Yukihiro, Matsuura Yuji, Sato HidetoshiAPPLIED SPECTROSCOPY 63 ( 1 ) 103 - 107 2009年01月 Subsurface sensing of biomedical tissues using a miniaturized Raman probe: Study of thin-layered model samples Yamamoto Yuko S., Oshima Yusuke, Shinzawa Hideyuki, Katagiri Takashi, Matsuura Yuji, Ozaki Yukihiro, Sato HidetoshiANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 619 ( 1 ) 8 - 13 2008年06月 Flexible fiber-optics probes for Raman and FT-IR remote spectroscopy Matsuura Yuji, Kino Saiko, Yokoyama Eriko, Katagiri Takashi, Sato Hidetoshi, Tashiro HideoIEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS 13 ( 6 ) 1704 - 1708 2007年11月 Transmission properties of infrared hollow fibers produced by drawing a glass-tube preform Kasahara Ryosuke, Matsuura Yuji, Katagiri Takashi, Miyagi MitsunobuOPTICAL ENGINEERING 46 ( 2 ) 2007年02月 All-solid single-mode Bragg fibers for compact fiber devices Katagiri Takashi, Matsuura Yuji, Miyagi MitsunobuJOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY 24 ( 11 ) 4314 - 4318 2006年11月 Photonic bandgap fiber with a silica core and multilayer dielectric cladding Katagiri T, Matsuura Y, Miyagi MOPTICS LETTERS 29 ( 6 ) 557 - 559 2004年03月 Metal-covered photonic bandgap multilayer for infrared hollow waveguides Katagiri T, Matsuura Y, Miyagi MAPPLIED OPTICS 41 ( 36 ) 7603 - 7606 2002年12月 Hollow infrared fibers fabricated by glass-drawing technique Matsuura Y, Kasahara R, Katagiri T, Miyagi MOPTICS EXPRESS 10 ( 12 ) 488 - 492 2002年06月 Sensitivity improvement of midinfrared gas sensing system using single-wavelength quantum cascade laser and hollow-waveguide gas cell Katagiri Takashi, Yaegashi Keisuke, Matsuura YujiOPTICAL ENGINEERING 56 ( 8 ) 2017年08月 |
科研費 |